Friday 14 September 2012

Photoshop - Walk through

These images I created in Photoshop. The steps I took and tools I used to create them start out by selecting 'large' sized image from either the internet (Google images), or pre-existing own photos. Firstly I found that my image/s were clean cut around the edge, so I decided no to use the lasso tool, instead opted for the magic wand on level 15. This selected all my image with no remaining background image, I wanted to go for a different background to that already exiting in the photo. For my first image I selected a 'carbon fibre' textured background to layer my image on to. My second image I decided on a sun-setting horizon. My second image was relatively straight forward and all I did was create a new layer and layer the image onto the background, then I used the magic wand tool once more to select an area, this time the lips in order to colour them.
My first image was however more technical and I used a wider range of tools to get my desired image. After I had initially created a new layer to layer the image onto the background, I then decided to duplicate the image four times and place them in a 'pop art' style around the edges of the page. Each image was its own layer and from then manipulated each with different effects. The first (top left) I used an artistic effect 'negative colour', this appeared to invert the colours of the image but used a combination of green, yellow and red around the edges. The second image (top right) I used another artistic effect called 'cartoonize', with the intensity setting to 3/10 and thickness of brush to 4/10, this effect slightly distorted the image and made it appear cartoon-like. My third image (left bottom) was a third artistic effect, known as 'sepia fade', for this effect I did not change any further settings, the effect appeared to make the image slightly warmer, using warmer tones of dark yellow and red. My fourth and final image was a simple effect 'black and white' in which the image is changed to black and white, the colour is removed. After I applied this effect I turned the contrast down to a mere 3/10 in order to darken the image.

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